
Monday 3 August 2015

Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? Chapter 66

Chapter 66.
Gonna release till Q&A today.

66 Skill rush

The feeling that I have done it is incredible.
Such an outrageous skill, what kind of pitfall lurks in it.
No matter how I think, isn't it weird that the title was acquired right after acquiring the skill?
Besides, it's a clearly dangerous title.
Leveling "Taboo" seems to be dangerous too.

It's scary that there's no demerit that can be known immediately.
Both "Pride" and "Taboo" have yet to show any effects.
Please don't let me get into a situation where a noose is gradually tightened around my neck without my notice until it's too late.

Well, when I think oppositely, it won't happen right away.
There's nothing I can do, so I should panic when that time comes.
That is if I have the time to panic....

For the time being, I will save my remaining skill points.
Although I want to use the newly acquired magic, I think I can't make progress if I don't do something about "Detection".
The "Magic Manipulation" is probably necessary, and if that's the case, then it's necessary to acquire "Magic Manipulation" and a skill that can do something about "Detection".
With only 100 points, I can only pick one of them.
For the time being, let's wait until it becomes 200 points.

Now that I have eat up all of the monkeys, there's no need to stay here anymore.
Let's move quickly.
I start moving along the wall again.
However, it's quiet.
Usually, the monsters' voice can be heard from a distance, but now, I can't hear it much.
There's no figure of a monster either. It's a rare quietness.

Is this because of the monkeys?
Well, when there's such a large crowd moving, it's obvious that the other monsters will run away.
I think it's probably so.

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill 『Prediction LV1』》

Skill acquired?
Let's see.

『Prediction:The thinking ability increases when predicting』

Well, I won't be troubled if I have it, but even without it, it's not particularly a good skill.
Because it's not possible to know the answer or the result.
It just makes me able to be quick-witted, and it only has effect in limited situations.
I mean, it was in the list of skills that can be acquired with 100 points.
This has the same points as "Pride"....
It's strange after all.

However, there's really no monster here.
I don't feel any dangers and it doesn't seem that there's a dangerous guy wandering around.
There's nothing here even if I look around the surroundings.

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill 『Enhanced Vision LV1』》

Again, a skill was acquired?
Let's see.

『Enhanced Vision:The vision is enhanced』

It's as it is!
Well, it's obvious.
But, this is also no needed.
The spider's eye are considerably good.
Although I can't live without glasses because I'm shortsighted in my previous life, I can see way ahead now.
I mean, this skill is also 100 points.

Come to think of it, there was a similar skill that enhanced the other five senses.
If the condition to acquire the "Enhanced Vision" is to strain my eyes, then will the skill proficiency of the other skills accumulate if I'm conscious?

Thus, let's try it immediately.
First of all, ear.
How does the spider's ear work?
It's a mystery even though it's myself.

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill 『Enhanced Hearing LV1』》

Oh, the skill that I aimed was acquired.
Then, let's try the others.

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill 『Enhanced Smell LV1』》
《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill 『Enhanced Touch LV1』》

Let's do the taste when I eat next time.
However, it's this easy to acquire skills.
Certainly, because of the spider's senses are excellent, I was not conscious up until now.
As expected, if I don't concentrate my consciousness, my skill proficiency won't increase.
Otherwise, I would have acquired it already.

《Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Prediction LV1』 has become 『Prediction LV2』》

I acquired it just a while ago, right!?
Why a level rose already?
No, well, it's fine.
I welcome those who increase.

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill 『Parallel Thought LV1』》

Eh, again!?
Moreover, this is the skill that I thought that might be able do something about "Detection"!

『Parallel Thought:Becomes possible to think about several matters at the same time』

In my opinion, I think that the reason why "Detection" is not usable is that my thought can't catch up with the excess information.
Then I thought of the skills that can assist my thoughts.
One of the skills is "Parallel Thought".

I did it!
But, how did I acquired it?
I didn't particularly think about several matters.

Ah, it's the Appraisal-sama.
I always turn on the Appraisal-sama.
I'm in the condition where the appraisal results of the surroundings always flow into my head.
Although I always ignore it because I was hardly interested, it can be said that I'm thinking about several matters.
There's no other cause and it seems that way.

With this, as expected, it's strange, right?
I acquired too many skill.
No matter how you look at it, isn't it strange to acquire this many skills suddenly?
Well, I know the cause.


The skill proficiency that can be acquired increases greatly.
That must be it.
I mean, isn't it that the skill proficiency is increasing absurdly?
Although I can't say anything because I don't know the exact numerical value, it seems to increase considerably.

《Skill proficiency reached. Skill 『Prediction LV2』 has become 『Prediction LV3』》

Look at it.


  1. Wow what the seriously man. Pride is way too op

    1. Well, you could say shes proud of being prideful

    2. Pride is often being the most versatile and powerful of the deadly sins, losing only in brute force to wrath in practically every novel/anime I've seen, I wonder if she gets both the sins and the virtues in this one? This author does like to create evil gods as last bosses and have some weird multifarious godlike mc by the end.

    3. Don't say that, because I have a feeling that she will somehow aquire skills for all 7 deadly sins, with all of them being equally op, than aquire a title for getting all 7 deadly sin skills and become even more op. Besides

    4. She already has Overeating. Perhaps "Gluttony" isn't far away.

    5. Gluttony is the athority of the demon lord

  2. Thanks for the chapter! (2nd)

  3. Thanks for the chapter.

    Goddamn, its a real skillfest!

  4. Wooo, Pride is definitely OP. And I seem to be getting a feeling that at this rate she will be the next demon lord.since there was the appearance of the new hero

    1. that is a highly likely scenario but I'm sure that won't happen because that is to simple

  5. Thanks for the chapter!! Now the road to become heavily OP

  6. "At present, both "Taboo" and "Pride" haven't showed any effects yet." - Either "Both Pride and Taboo have yet to show any effects" or "At present neither Pride nor Taboo have shown any effects".

    "I want you to pardon me from the situation where a silk gradually constrict my neck before I notice." - "Please don't let me get into a situation where a noose is gradually tightened around my neck without my notice until it's too late"

  7. Thanks for the chapter Turb0!

  8. wow level up just by thinking.........

  9. Thanks so much for these!

    Kumoko got 『Paralell Processin- er… Thought』!

    1. Kumoko got 『Paralell parking』!

      Man, the one thing to need practice on to get my drivers license, and Kumoko got it just like that!

  10. Parallel Thought: AKA, "Becoming Skitter"

  11. is this her path on becoming the new demon lord lol ^^"
    also this is quite late but thank you so much for the translations! :D

  12. Tanks for the chapter ^-^
